Cybergoth Joy. The style sometimes features one starkly contrasting bright or neon-reactive theme color, such as red, blue, neon green, chrome, or pink, set against a basic, black gothic outfit. Goth is a musical subgenre of post-punk and alternative rock that formed.
Goth festivals may feature genres such as gothic rock and gothic metal, as well as industrial music.
The genre itself was defined as a separate movement from post-punk.
Our lineup of gothic industrial and punk T-Shirts. This was the era where hair was backcombed and sprayed with toxic amounts of Aquanet, and the outfits were DIY with leather, lace, and fishnets. Presented by Hangman's Joy Records and The Chambers Of Morbid. e-mail me It is advised not to go into this style without knowing at least some of the more popular cybergoth bands, such as VNV Nation and Icon Of Coil, otherwise you will be labelled a poseur.