Cybergoth Makeup. Artificial extended hair is common headdress for the Cybergoth, the most common of which are the mohawk and dreadlocks-like extentions, referred to as "falls." Cybergoth hair and makeup. You love techno or industrial music with a more morbid feel The hair and makeup of the Cybergoth are the third major component in the completion of the Cybergoth's outfit.
It is not unusual to see lines drawn aross the cheeks or the bridge of the nose, or to see makeup that is only visible.
Again favoring flourescent and uv- reactive hues, the designs are often more minimalistic and also more patterned.
Use a foundation that would be a bit lighter than the tone of your skin, but not too light. A simpler makeup tutorial on youtube can be helpful for starters who want to get into the scene. Hair is one of the main symbols of rebellion, and as such is given great attention in every subculture.